A security framework for wireless sensor networks

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A security framework for wireless sensor networks

A security framework for wireless sensor networks

چکیده: اخیرا،شبکه های حس گر بی سیم مورد توجه بیشتری قرارگرفته اند ودرمسائل تجاری ونظامی کاربرد وسیعی پیدا کرده اند.به دلیل محدودیت در قابلیت های محاسباتی وارتباطی،مسائل امنیتی زیادی پیش آمده که لازمست مورد توجه قرارگیرند. دراین مقاله ما چا ر چوبی انعطاف پذیردرزمینه مدیریت امنیتی مطرح می کنیم که با ترکیب آن با روش های موجود اشکالات تحقیقات اخیر رفع می شود.د ر WSN این روش ازحملات بوسیله ی استخراج داده ها واجرای هماهنگ طرح دفاع ازطریق سکوی کنترل ارزیابی می شود.ما چهارچو ...

  • A security framework for wireless sensor networks ...


    / A security framework for wireless sensor networks 121 Step 1 Receive message from WSNs. Step 2 Update the information of a sensor node (node i). Step 3 Read rule from the configuration module and check the data using the rule, if the result ret >0 go to Step 4, else go to Step 1.

  • Security Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks - Springer


    Wireless sensor network is more prone to adversary compare to common wireless network. This is due to the nature of wireless sensor network that involves many nodes, thus making the system more vulnerable. Another reason is the nature of wireless sensor …

  • A Security Framework for Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor ...


    Z. Ishaq, S. Park, and Y. Yoo, “A security framework for Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Networks against the selfishness problem,” in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, ICUFN 2015, pp. 7–12, Japan, July 2015.

  • A Lightweight Security Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks

    https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tanveer_Zia/publication/... · PDF file

    A Lightweight Security Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks Tanveer A. Zia Charles Sturt University Locked Bag 588, Boorooma St. Wagga Wagga, NSW 2678, Australia

  • Complete Security Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks

    https://arxiv.org/pdf/0908.0122?origin=publication_detail · PDF file

    security of sensor networks and their limitations, section 3 formulates the security framework problem and its design goals, section 4 introduces all the component of framework and

  • A Security Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks: Theory ...

    https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.08133 · PDF file

    A Security Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks: Theory and Practice Christophe Guyeux, Abdallah Makhoul and Jacques M. Bahi Femto-ST Institute

  • A lightweight Security Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks

    https://researchoutput.csu.edu.au/files/8805899/A lightweight... · PDF file

    wireless sensor networks, its topology, platform used in our analysis, terms and notations, and possible attacks on sensor networks. We then present the security framework in section that 4

  • A Security Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks


    Abstract – Wireless sensor networks are result of developments in micro electro mechanical systems and wireless networks. These networks are made of tiny nodes which are becoming future of many applications where sensor networks are deployed in hostile …

  • Security Frameworks for Wireless Sensor Networks-Review ...


    Cryptographic Frameworks for Wireless Sensor Networks In this section, we discussed frameworks which are specifically designed and implemented to provide security to wireless sensor networks. We classify the existing frameworks according to the nature of the key material i.e. the shared key is private or public.

  • A Hierarchical Security Framework for Defending Against ...


    A Hierarchical Security Framework for Defending Against Sophisticated Attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks in Smart Cities Abstract: In smart cities, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) act as a type of core infrastructure that collects data from the city to implement smart services.

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